Sima Innovation Sima Innovation

Capability Demonstration “Better Protected”

As the week comes to a close, we find ourselves filled with both enthusiasm and a well-earned sense of tiredness. This week, we had the pleasure of conducting the first Capability Demonstration “Better Protected” alongside our esteemed friends from Defenture B.V., KNDS France, and KNDS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG. The “Better Protected Team” hosted more than 60 guests from six countries.

While we will share more details about this two-day event soon, here’s a teaser: We showcased not just four distinct capabilities, but an integrated “capability of capabilities”. The event highlighted a cross-border cooperation that truly makes sense and demonstrated a modular and adaptable approach and even solution to the challenges of the modern battlefield.

None of this would have been possible without the invaluable support from Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse, Forsvarets Industrikontor and the Danish Artillery Regiment. We are deeply grateful and extend a huge thanks to them. And from our side also a great thanks to out “Better Protected partners” for their support in making this a successful event.