RM900AL-MC is designed as a common ring-mount solution that is especially valuable to Special Operation Forces. It can be integrated easily and directly on a large variety of vehicle platforms or using our tailor-made Ring Mount Installation Kit (RMIK).
The ring mount is driven manually, and a brake has been integrated into the gear to prevent undesired traverse. The gearbox can be disengaged, allowing manual turning.
The ring mount is designed to be mounted on a variety of weapons, including 12,7 mm, 7,62 mm, and 40 mm AGL in recoil-buffered mounts or Dillon or similar.
Additional accessories—such as a hatch—can be fitted with the RM900Al, including add-on armor for ballistic protection.
The displayed version has an extended ammunition box support, which provides extra space and includes a standard Dillon ammunition box and battery.